The Asbury

What Happened?

Hear firsthand accounts of what happened at the Asbury Outpouring. On February 8, 2023, a few Asbury University students chose to linger after a routine chapel service, responding to what they sensed God was doing. As this small gathering captured global attention, an estimated 50 thousand people were drawn to Wilmore, KY over the next 16 days.

16m 16s


Listen to stories of how Jesus consecrated people to himself in the main room and behind the scenes at the Asbury Outpouring. As the need for more worship teams increased, a handful of young leaders responded with a new innovation: a consecration room, a small meeting space behind the main auditorium dedicated to the preparation of the hearts of those who were about to lead.

10m 47s


Witness the movement of prayer before, during, and after the Asbury Outpouring. Long before February 8th, many people had been praying, crying out for a fresh move of God. For 16 days, the altar rails in Hughes Auditorium and simulcast sites throughout Wilmore were continuously flooded with people from across the world presenting their requests to God alongside hundreds of trained prayer ministers.

14m 30s


Discover the nature of the leadership dynamics behind stewarding the Asbury Outpouring. Hear how a team began to form on day 1 in a storage closet and continued to operate through day 16. Decisions were made in real time by a multiplicity of leaders committed to remaining humble, willing, and honoring to one another.

17m 05s


Explore the quality of relationships that developed at the Asbury Outpouring. As God’s love was poured out, barriers were broken. A community defined by ecumenical, racial, and intergenerational unity was formed. This “community under outpouring” discovered the integrity of our relationships with one another is critical to the work of God.

13m 21s


Witness the purity and simplicity of worship at the Asbury Outpouring. Integrity and the presence of God triumphed over talent and any form of production. Time usually given to rehearsal was spent on the preparation of the heart. New teams were constantly assembled to lead worship 24/7 – sometimes in front of a packed auditorium, other times in an empty room, but always to Jesus.

19m 11s


Hear about the role of spiritual hunger at the Asbury Outpouring. Many who came to Asbury were drawn to it by their hunger for more of God. They did not come to hear the latest big name Christian speaker or worship leader, but came desperate to encounter the presence and love of Jesus, the only name that was elevated in the room.

13m 47s

The Young

Discover God’s heart for Gen Z, on clear display at the Asbury Outpouring. As students continued to show up and the number of young people in Hughes Auditorium increased, older generations empowered them to lead. Gen Z led from a place of desperation, brokenness, and honesty – calling the room to radical humility.

17m 37s


Listen to what God’s presence was like at the Asbury Outpouring. For 16 days in Wilmore, KY, thousands of people encountered the love of Jesus. Some were familiar with this love, and others experienced its goodness for the first time. God’s presence was most consistently experienced as a gentle presence of peace, unburdening people from whatever they brought with them.

13m 55s

What Now?

Hear some of the earliest reflections and initial applications as people began working out what they experienced at the Asbury Outpouring. What happened at Asbury University in February 2023 wasn’t meant to stay there. It wasn’t just for Asbury or those who attended. This begs the question: where do we go from here? The answer to that question looks different for each of us.

18m 30s